Category: Hanga | Create

Matariki Poem

Matariki Poem

Seven sister stars

God threw his eyes to the sky

Matariki night

The stars are very big

The night sky very dark

People are dancing 

By Luke T


This is my Matariki poem. It is a haiku where we had to clap each syllables and there were 17 syllables altogether, because the first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7 and the last has 7 syllables.

Hi my name is Luke and I played with my best friend. He is Tyson and he is a bit bad but good at the same time in the game but I’m bad at a game. He is good at the game he likes. like a game get hage and he is bad at a game i like. Like death ball it is a game I like . Do you like games?.i Like roblox and my friend likes roblox.